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What is a 3D animation?

A 3D animation is, as the name suggests, animation in 3D. It is a graphic technique that uses movement to bring characters and objects to life in the digital world. This technique creates the illusion that digital objects move through a three-dimensional space. This creates a hyper-realistic visualization where, unlike an animation in 2D, you also experience real depth.

These animations are made with special models and 3D software. Originally, the technique was mainly used in video games and movies, but nowadays the technique is also widely used by companies. It is an efficient way to demonstrate a product in a realistic way, and from all angles.


What can you use a 3D animation for?
The main advantage of a 3D animation is that this animation can create visuals that cannot be created in a 2D animation. Also, by means of 3D animations, things can be displayed that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Think, for example, of the visualization of chemical processes, minuscule particles, or celestial bodies in the universe. The 3D animation is also very suitable for images with high complexity.

For this reason, 3D animation is often used as a marketing tool, for example, to visualize products that are still in the design phase. In this way, a product can be presented to a potential customer in a realistic way, even before the product is actually made. Many companies use 3D animations to market their product and increase their sales. In addition, this technique is also widely used in sectors such as healthcare, architecture, and real estate.

Use case Prorail/Deltares Spoordijk animation

Prorail and Deltares wanted an animation showing the importance of embankments surrounding railways. These aren't easy to explain without a visual component. They found this match at C4Real, who were capable of translating it into visual content.

Explore the case

What advantages does a 3D animation have?
Not sure if you should use a 3D animation? We’ve listed the various advantages that a 3D animation has.

360-degree visualization
With a 3D animation you can showcase the product from every angle. This way you can also visualize unclear details easily.

Efficient marketing
A product can be presented before it is actually completed. This way, you can involve customers at an earlier stage and increase sales.

A good representation of complex products and processes
Because a 3D animation is so hyper-realistic, it can also display images with high complexity in a simple way.

It attracts the attention
By using realistic and moving images, you can attract the attention of the audience. For this reason, 3D animation is also widely used in advertisements and on social media.

Professional appearance
Because this is a modern technique that presents a high-quality view of your product, a 3D animation can enhance your company’s professional image.

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