Future-proof attention guaranteed
Solutions for a comfortable home environment.
"C4Real has made animations for us to visualize the functioning of the Flair (balanced ventilation), Pure induct (extra air purification) and Elan 4 (air heating). For the electrical version of the latter product, the Elan E, we had a separate animation made. We also made an overall animation with the theme Air for Life. It was played on large screens above our stand. In this film, we linked our products as a business friend of the Lung Fund to healthy air and healthy lungs for the whole family. Because we are present in a visual way at important trade fairs, it draws the attention of the visitor and helps attract more interested people to our stands. We can also, by means of animations, show products that are still under development at the trade fairs. Along with a physical prototype, this helps our colleagues to explain our story. We have succeeded in our objective to create a clear visual line on which we can build towards the future. Our animations with fixed Brink voice-over are clearly 'family'. We also place our animations on our website and share them on social media for a wider range."