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C4Real helps Nouryon explain chemistry

Processes are optimised through succesful collaboration

Communicating complicated subjects clearly to different target groups is not always easy. Nouryon (formerly AkzoNobel) knows all about that. C4Real has assisted them for years in explaining chemistry in general and Nouryon's products in particular. The aim here is always been comprehensibility and process optimisation, both internally and externally.

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Visualization at molecular level

Nouryon's customers often use the company's chemicals as ingredients for their own products. That is why composition and its added value are so important. This is where the power of visualization comes in handy, says Haimo Tonnaer of Nouryon: “We use the knowledge of C4Real to translate business-critical products into images and to make them come alive. We do this with animation and virtual reality, which allows us to provide a proper perspective of why our products are so good and how the process works properly. We show everything in a tangible way at molecular level.”

Chemistry explained in a 3D animation


Haimo Tonnaer

Digital Customer Experience Manager, Nouryon

The many years of collaboration between Nouryon and C4Real are based on experience and genuine curiosity, says Tonnaer: “Of course, C4Real knows better than anyone how to translate such complex material into visual language, but it goes further than that. From the first meeting they show that they really want to dive into the subject matter. They ask the right questions, conduct research to ensure the best end result. The quality is always fantastic.”


Visualization to improve safety

Many of the products Nouryon sells are hazardous substances. C4Real has made a significant contribution to safety awareness in this area, says Tonnaer: “We visualized how our customers' employees can work safely with our products through a 3D animation and as well as through a VR training session later on, which we offer to customers. The first response we get from our customers about this visual content is usually 'wow, that's really professional'. After all, we can show them what happens in a tank, things that normally remain invisible. The second response is often 'I have never seen anything like it'. We are very proud of this, being a forerunner in the chemical industry in the field of visualization and VR training.”


Content for all channels

One major advantage of the visualizations that C4Real creates for Nouryon is that they provide clarification and consistency in how information is provided. In addition, they are being used for all of the company's media channels. Tonnaer: “We only used the first animations we made together for purchasing managers. But after a few years, we started noticing that these videos on YouTube had more than 50,000 views. We also started noticing it when meeting with customers, because they were excited by the animation they had seen online. Technical staff also asked if they could use the visualizations for training purposes. You can see that visual content thinking is now embedded throughout our organisation. And the return on investment is very high due to the good results we achieve with it.”

Nouryon explaining chemistry in images

Nouryon Chemistry
Nouryon Chemistry
Nouryon Chemistry
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