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Instructional video adhesive solution

Client Coulisse Services
The challenge: To explain the advantages and application of the adhesive product in a simple way

Coulisse, a family business founded in 1992, has grown into a leading worldwide specialist in window coverings by now. Based on the conviction that window covering is so much more than a functional product, they develop advanced collections, innovative systems and smart technology in order to lift window coverings to a higher level with inspiring window covering solutions. In addition to window decoration, such as wooden blinds, roller blinds, vertical blinds or pleated blinds, they also offer corresponding adhesive solutions. After all, how often does it occur that the glue causes problems? But how do you explain the exact advantages and the correct application of the adhesive product to the target group? C4Real received this question and came up with the solution: an instructional video.

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The solution: an instructional/promotional video

How do you explain the advantages of a product and its application as clearly as possible?

Everyone is familiar with it. You easily and quickly use a certain type of glue, but it turns out not to be the right one, it is difficult to remove afterwards and if you do, you will certainly leave a trace of damage behind. Coulisse brought a special adhesive solution for this on the market. But how do you explain this in understandable language to the target group, how do you build up the story and show the application in the right way? C4Real came up with the solution in the form of a combination of an instructional video with 3D components to highlight the product even more.

Coulisse's experience with adhesive solutions


A constructive cooperation

The process

In the process, first of all an inventory of the proposition was made: the adhesive solution in combination with the sun blind system. What are the USPs that distinguish the product? Then, step by step, the user instructions were developed and the story was built up with a clear storyline and translation into images. There was a constructive cooperation and a good understanding between Coulisse, also known for its open atmosphere and C4Real, with its fresh and clear view on things. In this way, the instructional video quickly took shape. The cooperation went very well. 

See more instructionvideos

The added value of the instructional video

The final result

With the instructional video Coulisse obtained a great solution to communicate the product advantages of the adhesive solution to the customer in a clear and understandable way. In a short time, the information about the product is clearly being told. Furthermore, the instructional video is a good tool to show how the product works.

It is the ideal way to instruct customers about a product and its proper application. And by including the aspects of a promo video in the story, the advantages of the adhesive product too are made clear at the same time. It is a combination that worked very well in this case. Moreover, the instructional/promo video can be played at any time, wherever and whenever it suits you. If that isn't handy for a successful sale!

Coulisse's experiences with adhesive solutions

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