Positieve attitude thanks to impessive VR solution
The process
Involving all IT employees in a change process is a tough job. After all, everyone has a different opinion, but everyone has to go in the same direction. Achmea was very well aware of this. That was the moment that Achmea called in the help of C4Real.
Achmea’s question was: help us visually explain how the old and new IT infrastructure works in order to realise a successful business implementation of products that are realised with the new IT architecture. The goal was to create a positive attitude towards the renewed IT landscape and to reduce resistance as much as possible. Plus the realisation of a successful business implementation of new IT systems, in this case for Owners’ Associations.
Our answer and concept were: Visualise the complexity of the system by creating a metaphor with something that all IT professionals understand. And to communicate this through an innovative technology, to really excite and motivate these IT people. This was achieved with Metropolis, the Achmea IT city, in Virtual Reality.