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Smart Industry

Client Kennispark Enschede Services
Clarifying smart industry in a stimulating way

Kennispark Twente in Enschede is the most complete and enterprising high-tech innovation campus in the Netherlands. The University of Twente, 430 innovative companies, pioneering research and a lot of facilities in one area turn it into a success. The role of Kennispark Twente and Novel-T is to continuously challenge stakeholders to keep innovating and to stay ahead. The Smart Industry concept is a good example of this. Meanwhile, this term is known to most stakeholders, but it had to be explained and loaded first. Therefore, Kennispark Twente engaged C4Real.

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Explain things in a stimulating way

The actual request was to make an awareness film for technology companies, especially in the east of the Netherlands. When brainstorming about the interpretation thereof it quickly emerged that it had to be very basic. This means starting with an explanation about what Smart Industry entails and which elements are part of this. Subsequently, some examples are perfectly suited for this, because that is the proof for Smart Industry. And of course, the plans for the future. This is elaborated in a film in a stimulating way in which 2D and 3D animations have been incorporated.

Kennispark Enschede Smart Industry visualized


Inspiring front runner

In the animation film created by C4Real for Kennispark Twente it is clearly visualised and explained what Smart Industry exactly means. How it works in practice for the front runners in various sectors and what the elements are that shape Smart Industry. This inspires the viewer to become a part of the future-oriented concept. And that is indeed the intention: technology companies must realise that there is a role for them in Smart Industry. This was achieved. The awareness around the concept has grown considerably, Smart Industry is now part of the management vision of most high-tech companies in the East of the Netherlands. So, Kennispark Twente remains a front runner in Europe and the world.

Kennispark Enschede Smart Industry in images

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