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Nedap Livestock

Nedap Livestock Solutions

Nedap Product Explorer

NEDAP Agri’s challenge is to give its customers the best possible information about the unique opportunities presented by its products. Since customers are becoming increasingly accustomed to visual stimuli, a 3D product explorer application offers NEDAP Agri the ideal solution. The application relays products and product information via a 3D display. As such, it is an efficient and quantifiable solution in which customers are able to seek out the very best options quickly and easily.

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Nedap Livestock Solutions


NEDAP Agri makes extensive use of offline media such as magazines and brochures. But because agricultural businesses, i.e. NEDAP Agri customers are reading less and less these days, C4Real has been asked to help create a customer-focused, visual and experience-rich solution.  

Nedap Livestock solutions visualized


Spectaculaire 3D display

As a solution and addition to current sales and marketing resources, C4Real has developed a 3D product explorer application. The application shows the products of NEDAP Agri in a spectacular 3D view. All sorts of information is then linked to the 3D display so that users can find the necessary information they need. Whether in text, photos or video. Everything is integrated in this application. The application is modular so that products can easily be added and information can be adjusted.

Nedap Livestock

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