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Pitch Royal Navy

Pitch Royal Navy

Client Thales Babcock Services
Pitch Royal Navy

Team 31, an industrial consortium of shipbuilders and designers, was formed for the T31e bid of the Royal Navy. Babcock International Group is the main contractor of this team that Thales is also part of. Thales, as a high-tech company in the field of aviation, defense and information technology, also made a major contribution to the T31e bid to the Royal Navy, which was looking for new frigates. In this context, they find it important to work with market solutions that already exist, so that five new frigates can be built quickly, reliably and cost-effectively. Team 31 offers the ideal solution for this: Arrowhead 140.

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Frigates for the Royal Navy

Since C4Real has been working with Thales for years in the field of high-quality animations, Thales has put us forward as their partner. In a very short time we have created a very high-quality animation in support of the T31e bid, which includes a total budget of approximately 1.25 billion euros. The animation gives a clear and realistic explanation of the solution that Team 31 offers to the Royal Navy. This has resulted in winning the bid. With this, Thales has won a million order. It is even the third largest order ever for Thales.

A visual pitch for the Royal Navy


Jasper Kolbrink

Digital & Content Manager, Thales

“We asked C4Real to make an animation for the design of the Arrowhead 140. When working together with a number of technical companies, you get a lot of technical information. It is not within our capabilities to make this something that everyone can understand. That's where C4Real stepped in. I think they did a really good job of creating an animation within the given time and with quite a few additions, such as water simulation."

Successful cooperation between Thales, Babcock and C4Real

Pitch Royal Navy

Focus on speed and costs

Rob Assink, Studio Manager at C4Real: "Speed, reliability and costs are very important to the Royal Navy. It is therefore the goal to communicate as well as possible how Babcock can meet this objective. And they can. They can make the Thales Tacticos Combat Management Systeem and a radar mast on an existing frigate. Everything will be exactly as the Royal Navy wants. Because it is adaptation on an existing platform, things can be done very quickly. The delivery is planned from 2023. Proven, capable and adaptable is the message that is central to Team 31 communication."


High quality in short amount of time

An additional challenge was that it was a pressure cooker production. Under high pressure, something had to be delivered in a short time that was of high quality. Bottleneck thereby was the rendering. Computers must calculate each image separately in a 3D animation. With 25 frames per second it can take quite a while. Especially if you work with simulations of water, as we have done here.”


Realistic water animations, fast rendering and co-creation

“In the animation you see images of the existing Iver Huitfeldt, which merge into a 3D model. We have adapted this to a Royal Navy-ready model. After that, the navy can still fully adapt it as they want and we show examples of this. This visualization was central in the bid Team 31 make for the five frigates. An upgrade of our render farms has enabled us to manage the rendering to customer expectations in the short production time. As a result, the animation looks top notch and we have delivered it in time. With realistic water simulations. The beauty of this production is that we have really worked in co-creation with Thales and Babcock. We knew each other well of course, but we have never worked so closely together. That worked well, especially when you see what the common end result looks like.”

Thales Babcock Pitch Royal Navy in images

Pitch Royal Navy
Pitch Royal Navy
Pitch Royal Navy
Pitch Royal Navy
Pitch Royal Navy
Pitch Royal Navy
Pitch Royal Navy
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