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Stimulating sustainability with smart app

Client Gemeente Enschede Services
European cooperation for sustainability

EMPOWER is a partnership between various European cities to inspire people to opt for sustainable transport. The city of Enschede plays a leading role and works together with the cities of Helsinki, Manchester and Gothenburg. In addition, connections are also sought in other European countries. The project is part of Horizon 2020 of the European Union.

To encourage people to opt for sustainable transport more often, EMPOWER uses, among other things, an app with which you as a user can save sustainability points. By traveling sustainably, you get a discount at various web shops that participate in the initiative. EMPOWER used C4Real to make the project visible to a large international audience and to activate them.

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Cultures and infrastructures

For two years, C4Real has made various visuals for EMPOWER to bring the project to the attention of the target group. Because it is a new concept, it was first necessary that it was well explained. In addition, sustainable travel works in a different way in each participating city. Milan and Helsinki, for example, are not only miles apart, but the culture and infrastructure is also different. The big question was therefore: how do you transfer the overarching message from EMPOWER so that every target group in every country can identify with it?

Gemeente Enschede EMPOWER visualized


Marcel Meeuwissen

Senior Advisor Traffic and Transportation

“With the help of C4Real, we were able to visualize ideas and concepts before the project even started. For example, if you want to apply for a grant or you want to present something for a city council to organize the finances, you can make a film like ours as a pre-investment. This way you can communicate very clearly what you want to do. The value of C4Real adds was particularly evident in an event in which various European stakeholders were involved.”


Conscious visual strategy

It started with a general movie that explains exactly what EMPOWER is, and what it does for the target audience. Subsequently, C4Real went to all participating cities to release the stories per community and pass them on. By communicating the cases per city in movies in a very structured way, you also make it possible for viewers to get started in their own city. We used this strategy very consciously, because it really has to be more than just 'show and tell'. We want to give the target group concrete tools to become an active part of EMPOWER.

Gemeente Enschede EMPOWER in images

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