Significant impact created by conceptual thinking
The process
C4Real's working method has a concept phase and a production phase, preceded by an analysis. After all, to create the right animations it is important to understand exactly how the product works. A special feature of this 3D animation is its very extensive concept phase. The pure effect of the product in the strictest sense of the word is embedded in a 3D world, a model in the form of an island as much as 10-15 km wide (!), showing the possible fields of application of GeoClean®. By following the droplet's journey in this world, the whole story becomes clear. After all, the greater goal is to contribute to a more sustainable world with GeoClean®. It must be said that a lot of conceptual thinking was needed to achieve this impact. In terms of time, in this instance it accounted for half the assignment (normally the concept phase takes about 25% of the time).